INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
RBI Skala 1:25000 Tahun 2013 Wilayah SULAWESI PAKET 05 PENUTUPLAHAN (Area)
Data and Resources
RBI Skala 1:25000 Wilayah Sulawesi Paket 05 Pada Unsur Penutup Lahan (Area)...
Unnamed resource
Unnamed resource
Unnamed resource
Unnamed resource
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Version | |
Author | |
Author Email | |
Maintainer | |
Maintainer Email | |
Spatial Harvester | true |
Progress | |
Coupled Resource | [] |
Frequency of Update | asNeeded |
Licence | [] |
Spatial | {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[121.62492293238586, 0.37499999555775443], [122.50000000542306, 0.37499999555775443], [122.50000000542306, 1.2500000038091463], [121.62492293238586, 1.2500000038091463], [121.62492293238586, 0.37499999555775443]]]} |
Access Constraints | [] |
Spatial Reference System | 4326 |
Spatial Data Service Type | |
Dataset Reference Date | [{"type": "creation", "value": "2013-12-31"}] |
Bbox North Lat | 1.2500000038091463 |
Bbox South Lat | 0.37499999555775443 |
Bbox East Long | 122.50000000542306 |
Bbox West Long | 121.62492293238586 |
Resource Type | featureType |
Lineage | | | |
Metadata Date | 2023-12-15 |
Metadata Language | Indonesia |
Responsible Party | [{"name": "Pusat Pemetaan Rupabumi dan Toponim", "roles": ["Produsen Data"]}, {"name": "Pusat Pengelolaan dan Penyebarluasan Informasi Geospasial", "roles": ["Walidata"]}] |