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Indeks Harga Konsumen dan Laju Inflasi Kota Cilacap Bulan 06 Juni 2020 (Tahun 2018=100)

Indeks Harga Konsumen dan Laju Inflasi Kota Cilacap Bulan 06 Juni 2020 (Tahun 2018=100)

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Author BPS Kab. Cilacap
Maintainer admin
Version 1
Last Updated October 16, 2023, 05:08 (UTC)
Created October 16, 2023, 05:08 (UTC)
Indeks Harga Konsumen Kota Cilacap
deflasi IHK
ekonomi inflasi
harvest_object_id 3ed97af2-e913-4a75-a4bc-a1314643e033
harvest_source_id 50f12459-0ef7-43ab-a586-2e4aac9b9bff
harvest_source_title Kabupaten Cilacap - CKAN