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Water Environmental Condition in Relation to Existence of Endemic Fish Butini (Glossogobius matanensis) in Lake Towuti, South Sulawesi.

Lake Towuti is the largest lake in the Malili Complex has a wide 560 km2 and a depth of 203 m. Butini is an endemic fish species and also very beneficial for the welfare of the community. This fish utilized by people around the lake for consumption and have important economic value. Various activities already indicate a degradation of fish population. The objective of this research was to know water environmental condition in relation to existence of endemic fish Butini (Glossogobius matanensis), as a basic information for its conservation in Lake Towuti. The study was conducted from May 2006 to April 2007. Defined study area into three zones namely, zone A: stretching from settlement area , sawmill waste to the island center of the lake, zone B: extending from inlet to the middle island of the lake and zone C: (stretching from the middle island of the lake to the outlet. Fish caught using salue (long line) with various,hooks number, 8,10,12,14 and 16 respectively. The results showed temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen content among zones were not significantly difference (P>0.05) whereas based on depth it showed significantly different (P<0.05). Male and female fish abundance were highest at a depth of 100 m. Water quality parameters did not determine the male and female fish abundance based on depth. Water environmental condition in 100 m deep was considered more stable in supporting life of Butini fish. Proceeding International Conference on Indonesian Inland Waters II. Palembang, P. 149-158.

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Field Value
Last Updated November 7, 2022, 11:34 (UTC)
Created November 7, 2022, 11:34 (UTC)
GUID 16badaed-4c01-11ec-a2b9-13b861877756
dcat_issued -
dcat_modified -
dcat_publisher_name Pusat Penelitian Limnologi
harvest_object_id 89d5fe9c-61a2-4569-bfd2-bc6814350fd9
harvest_source_id 3bd3e3c4-c84b-4cc2-8b58-2dd475ec6523
harvest_source_title Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - DCAT